At this time Century Jet Models, LLC is FOR SALE. For more information, please contact or 217-306-3405.


22200 CJM Scale Sea Fury (3/4″)


Scale landing gear using our giant upper mechanism with 3/4″ and 5/8″ diameter oleo struts. 1/4″ axles installed. These gear functional like the real plane. On rough surfaces,you can see the oleo action in motion. A drop in our CJM scale aircraft.

Century Jet has expanded its options to include air and electric retract systems. Please select from the choices below to complete your retract system. Select the Deluxe 4 Way Valve for realistic air operations which provide the modeler infinite speed adjustments. If you elected to use electric retracts, you can upgrade to our Deluxe Controller which provides electronic door sequencer with selectable door open or door close modes when the gear are down plus 1 or 2 landing lights.


To view a sample of our electric landing gear, please click here.

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