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Boeing B-17E, B-17F, or B-17G


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Product Description

This kit is made in the USA.  A deposit of $400.00 will secure you a kit with a specified delivery period. 10% discount available on first 10 kits

All B-17 versions complete and ready for delivery.

NEW OPTION:  Removable Horizontal Stabs.  No Charge!

PDF instruction manual available upon request. Over 6 meg due to size and number of photos.

With the evolution of composite materials, the advancement of electric gear motors and battery technology, the 126” Wing Span B-17 was a logical choice for the first on bomber aircraft to joint our fleet of WWII aircraft.

Be sure to view the UTube videos at the bottom of this page.  You can see the combat packages in action!  Flashing 360 degree rotating turret guns are now operational.

The CJM B-17 has successfully passed all test flight milestones.  Test Flight #1 we had a grass takeoff on the right side of the runway due to a dragging wheel and on flight #2, the plane took off on the left side in the grass.  We even had an engine failure on flight #1.  We have clearly shown the plane is grass capable!    If you can take off in 4” tall grass, surely you can takeoff on a runway.  With that in mind, our goal for Flight 3 is hard surface runway and bomb drop operation. According to PJ Ash, the plane is very stable with no adverse flight characteristics, including gear and flap operation.

PJ Ash designed a wood transportation/maintenance stand for his B-17.  The stand is pretty neat and allow for easy aircraft assembly, engine trim, and gear operation.   I contracted for him to make 5 stands that will be included with the first 5 kits at no charge.

CJM Test Flight #2

How low can the B-17 fly?

See how easy it is to start 4 B-17 engines.

2016 Toledo


Fiberglass fuselage with panel lines.  The B-17 fuselage is constructed using epoxy fiberglass materials.  Bombay and vertical stab come installed.

Composite Horizontal Stabs with panel lines and I-Beam spar installed.

Easy to mount nose and tail gunner sections.

Large engine and tail wheel door hatches

Functional Bombay Door System available

Select from 1 of 3 Nose Sections  (B-17E, B-17F, B-17G)

Select from 1 of 2 Tail Gunner Sections

Composite ailerons, horizontal stabs, elevators and rudder

Composite split flaps with cosmetic ABS wing and flap inserts included.

Football Antenna and Super Chargers included.

4 Fiberglass, heavy duty cowls with panel lines included

Scale or Sport Scale main gear retracts and tail wheel available

Painted or not-painted Scale Cockpit and Pilots available

8mm super bright navigation lights and transmitter on/off switchable landing lights available

One Bomb Release controls door operation and single or dual bomb release per pass.


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