At this time Century Jet Models, LLC is FOR SALE. For more information, please contact or 217-306-3405.

CJM B-17

In December 2014, Century Jet Models was offered the opportunity to complement our current war bird fleet with a composite B-17 aircraft. Why a bomber and why the B-17F? Answer was simple. Memphis Belle! With the evolution of composite materials and the advancement of electric gear motor and battery technology, the 126” Wing Span B-17 was a logical choice for our next aircraft (glow, gas, electric).
The B-17F fuselage is constructed using epoxy-glass with multiple composite materials with plug-in wings to make the lightest and strongest model possible. F-17G conversion kit available.


Fiberglass fuselage with panel lines
Removable Composite Wings with Panel Lines
Composite Horizontal Stabs with Panel Lines
Easy to mount nose and tail gunner section
Large engine and Tail Wheel door hatches
Functional Bombay Door System available
Select from 1 of 2 Nose Sections
Select from 1 of 2 Tail Gunner Sections
Composite ailerons, horizontal stabs, elevators and rudder
Fiberglass, heavy duty cowls with panel lines
Scale or Sport Scale main gear retracts and tailwheel available
Painted or not-painted Scale Cockpit and Pilots available
Bomb Release System for single, ripple, and “All Bombs Away” module available

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