At this time Century Jet Models, LLC is FOR SALE. For more information, please contact or 217-306-3405.

CJM F-100 Super Sabre

The F-100 jet is an ideal fighter trainer for your first ducted fan model, electric ducted fan, or for the advanced modeler, a turbine aircraft. Easy to build and will fly off a grass field. Rock solid performer with 100-120 mph top end using any 5 inch fan unit. EDF, or small turbine.
The fuselage comes pre-primed and made using epoxy fiberglass. Light sanding and apply paint. All major plywood bulkheads are laser cut — decreasing your building time and insuring accuracy. The main wing spar mount and fan mount are interconnected for added strength. Canopy opening is pre-molded in the fuselage. The foam wings incorporates a plug-in wing spar system. Horizontal flying stabs are easy to build and cover.
Designed for any retract unit. Our CJM Centurion retracts with 3/8” diameter stainless steel functional oleo struts adds realism. We also offer a retract door package.
The basic kit comes with a fiberglass fuselage, sheeted foam wings, plug-in spars, foam vertical and horizontal stabs, stab mechanism, instruction, plans, canopy, and exhaust tube.

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