At this time Century Jet Models, LLC is FOR SALE. For more information, please contact or 217-306-3405.

Hawker Hunter

Century Jet Models is proud to announce a light weight, low cost Hawker Hunter model which can accommodate either a ducted fan, electric ducted fan, or small turbine engine. Our one piece fuselage has plug in wings, large top engine hatch, molded vertical stab and two different pair of intakes to select from based on your power plant. The two foam sheeted wings come with the aluminum spars and landing gear blocks installed for easy wing transportation. Each wing panel weighs only 15 ounces each. The large cockpit opening accommodates easy access to the nose gear, nose area, and fuel tank/battery area in front of the intakes.
Uses any commercial retracts or our world famous Centurions with 3/8” Sport Scale or ½” diameter stainless steel functional oleo struts with a 4 degree bend. Weight of our gear with oleo struts is only 1 pound 5 ounces. We also offer tires with or without brakes.
Flying from a grass field, no problem! The Ducted Fan Hawker Hunter has a 5 second 120’ takeoff roll off hard surface with a 150’ grass performance. Its wide main gear stance provides accurate tracking.
We offer a basic kit with easy to install options: Each basic kit includes a fiberglass fuselage, sheeted foam wings with landing gear and plug-in aluminum spars installed, laser wood, sheeted foam horizontal stabs, instruction manual, canopy and fiberglass canopy hatch, fiberglass engine hatch, and intakes.

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